Technical Resources

Technical Resources

Practical Assistance with Chemistry and Analysis

At IAL, we believe in equipping our clients with the knowledge and rationale behind the chemistry. Our goal is to ensure that our clients have the appropriate technical tools to evaluate and report on their project data successfully.

To achieve this goal, IAL is continually looking to make timely, relevant resources available to our clients.  These technical resources provide our clients the foundation needed to properly present and rely upon the data provided and draw consistent, solid conclusions as a result. 

In addition, IAL appreciates that the processes of planning for and preparing project deliverables can be time-consuming and tedious tasks.  To assist our clients, we have prepared a number of resources, from state-specific Chain-of-Custody forms to Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) and regulatory reporting tables.  

Our staff believe in staying at the forefront of industry and regulatory developments to best serve our clients' needs.  Our success is based on the success of each client project.  Please contact us with feedback on how we can help with your project.

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  • Certifications

    Certifications & SOPs

    Accreditations and Quality Control

    We at IAL are diligent in our maintenance of industry accreditations and quality control procedures pertinent to the success and defensibility of the laboratory services and data we provide our clients.

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  • Guides & Forms

    Sampling Guides & Forms

    Guidance Documents and Downloads

    IAL continues to prepare and provide sampling guides and forms to aid our clients in the collection and documentation of air, soil, and water samples.

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  • Technical Memos

    IAL Technical Memos

    IAL Technical and Regulatory Updates

    IAL staff continually monitor and integrate applicable industry and regulatory updates. Related analytical method and reporting changes are then communicated to our clients through Technical Memos posted to our website.

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  • NJ SRP

    NJ SRP

    LSRP Analytical Support

    IAL's experienced staff understands evolving New Jersey LSRP requirements for data, documentation and meaningful results.

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  • Helpful Links

    Helpful Links

    Environmental, Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic Links

    Use the following links to access regulatory agency, industry association, and test guidance and search websites.

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Contact Us

Office hours

Mon-Fri 8am - 5:30pm
Sat-Sun Closed
Holiday Schedule


Integrated Analytical Laboratories, LLC
273 Franklin Road
Randolph, NJ 07869

Sample pick-up/drop

Mon-Fri 8am - 6:30pm
Sat-Sun Closed


Phone 973-361-4252