Soil and Water Testing

Soil and Water Testing

IAL's analytical testing capabilities include analysis of surface and subsurface soils, sediments, and solid and hazardous waste samples, along with surface and ground water, drinking water, and industrial process waste water.

Soil analyses include:

  • Petroleum Hydrocarbons (including EPH) by GC
  • Volatile Organics by GCMS and GC
  • BNAs and PAHs by GCMS and GC
  • Pesticides, PCBs, and Herbicides by GC
  • Metals by ICPMS and CVAAS
  • General Chemistry for over 80 wet chemistry parameters

Water analyses include: 

  • Volatile Organics by GCMS and GC
  • BNAs and PAHs by GCMS and GC
  • Pesticides, PCBs, and Herbicides by GC
  • Metals by ICPMS and CVAAS
  • General Chemistry for over 80 wet chemistry parameters

Additional specialty and package analyses include: 

  • Petroleum Hydrocarbon GC Fingerprinting
  • Select Microbiological Analyses (e.g., Total Coliform)
  • PCB Wipe Sample Analysis
  • Lead Wipe Sample Analysis
  • Lead Paint Chips
  • State-specific Analytical Suites for NJ, NY and PA
  • Waste Classification Packages
  • Compound Detection and Method Detection Limit (MDL) Study Options

 A full list of the analytical tests we offer is available by contacting one of our experienced Project Managers.

Guidance and Forms

IAL offers a vast array of technical and regulatory guidance documents, summary sheets, and update memos to assist our clients in the design and implementation of sampling programs in support of their environmental projects.  In addition, we have prepared a number of user-friendly forms, such as Chains-of-Custody, that can be downloaded for direct use or modification based on individual project needs.  Information on access to these documents and forms can be found in IAL's Technical Resource section.

Service Quotes and Orders

IAL offers electronic submission of Bottle Order, Pick-up Schedule, and Service Quote requests for existing clients upon log-in.  For new clients, please contact IAL directly to request a Service Quote or Bottle Order, or to further discuss your project needs.

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  • Soil & Water Testing

    Soil & Water Testing

    Contaminant and General Chemistry Analyses

    IAL's testing capabilities include analysis of soils, sediments, and solid and hazardous waste samples, along with surface and ground water, drinking water and waste waters.

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  • Vapor Intrusion

    Vapor Intrusion

    EPA Method and NJDEP Low-Level Analytical Services

    IAL's specialty is EPA Method TO-15 and NJDEP Low Level TO-15, for indoor and ambient air, and for subslab and soil gas samples, along with other complimentary analyses.

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  • Remediation Diagnostics

    Remediation Diagnostics

    Specialized Testing for Remediation Decision-making

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  • Bench/Pilot Testing

    Bench and Pilot Studies, and Control Systems

    Design, Optimization and Monitoring

    IAL can design and perform meaningful bench and field-scale tests of in-situ remedial alternatives. In addition, IAL's timely and sensitive analyses have enabled consultants to reliably evaluate and monitor new control procedures and equipment.

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  • Data Quality

    Data Quality

    QA/QC Measures and Protocols

    IAL takes specific steps to provide the highest quality analytical data.

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  • Data Reporting

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  • Field Sampling

    Field Sampling

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