Data Quality
IAL takes specific steps to provide the highest quality analytical data. Our Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) program has been developed and managed in accordance with TNI requirements. TNI requirements are derived from ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and are amongst the strictest in existence for environmental testing. IAL is audited biennially for compliance with TNI requirements.
Final report deliverables are prepared in a structured format to facilitate data review.
Additionally, IAL has fully implemented the NJDEP's Analytical Technical Guidance promulgated in 2014. To assist NJ LSRPs, IAL offers Technical Memos, guidance summaries, and downloadable forms that are designed to help navigate the related Data of Known Quality Protocols (DKQP) and help conduct Data Quality Assessment and Data Usability Evaluation (DQA/DUE). Further information on our NJ SRP support services is provided in the Technical Resources section.
IAL participates in proficiency testing (PT) studies as mandated by TNI guidelines. We are required to participate in two (2) separate PT Studies per year for each category of certification. IAL is certified in the following four categories: Potable Water, Waste Water, Solid/ Hazardous Waste, and Air & Emissions.
We have structured our information flow to create checkpoints to assure that we have satisfied regulatory and client-specified objectives. To achieve our objectives, IAL has developed a system of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), a detailed Quality Manual, report formats, and review mechanisms for all areas of the laboratory. IAL SOPs and IAL's Quality Manual are available upon request.